
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Leif Overment (

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads – Elizabeth Smith (

Nominated Safeguarding Governor –  Phil Smith (

Local Authority Designated Officers (LADO) -  Martha Sharp (Full time), Lynne Bowman (Full time) and Laura Tulk (Part time).
01305 221122 or

Safeguarding children and young people means protecting them from abuse or neglect. It means supporting their learning and development and creating an environment in which children feel safe.

At Salway Ash School, It is the duty and responsibility of everyone to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.  

Anyone working or volunteering within our school must take time to read our safeguarding policies, code of conduct and Keeping Children safe in education.

These policies are attached below however we have a great many other policies in place to safeguard our children and to improve their education and well-being. Most policies are available on our documentation pages however feel free to ask in school for any other policies you may wish to see.

 Salway Ash School and premises is a mobile phone free zone.

Please leave phones in pockets or bags whilst enjoying school events or dropping and collecting your child.
Policies reviewed September 2024




The school has taken up the opportunity to take part in a project that will run jointly between schools and Dorset Police.

 Operation Encompass is the notification to schools when a child or young person has experienced any domestic abuse, this information will be shared with the schools.

Operation Encompass will ensure that senior safeguarding members of the school staff, Designated Safeguarding Lead and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, known as Key Adults, are trained to allow them to receive information from the police and to use the information that has been shared, in confidence, while ensuring that the school is able to make provision for possible difficulties experienced by children, or their families, who have been involved in a domestic abuse incident. The Key Adults at Salway Ash are Mrs Smith and Mr Overment.

 We are keen to offer the best support possible to all our pupils and we believe this will be extremely beneficial for all those involved.



 Salway Ash School have also signed up to the DiSC.

 For more information please go to:


We all have a personal responsibility to notice when a child or young person may be at risk of harm and pass our concerns to someone who can act to protect them.

Our staff and governors staff read the latest version of KCIE every year as part of their CPD. In addition to this they have also taken part in ‘Prevent’ training to further understand risks our children may be exposed to in the world today.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Overment who is the Designated Safeguarding Lead.

If you have concern surrounding a child’s safety please speak to the above designated Safeguarding lead


Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) -  01305 221122
Contact details for: CHAD 01202 228866

Sexting and guidance for young people

Please note that the DfE has also recently published guidance for young people to help

them understand the law on making or sharing indecent images of children:


Reporting online material promoting terrorism or extremism

Report illegal or harmful information, pictures or videos you’ve found on the internet.

You can report things like:

  • articles, images, speeches or videos that promote terrorism or encourage violence
  • websites made by terrorist or extremist organisations
  • videos of terrorist attacks

You can make your report without leaving your name and contact details.  Click here to report


Useful contacts: 
Children's Social Care
Dorset's Integrated Front Door Service: 01305 228558
Children's Social Care Out of Hours Service: 01305 228558
Safeguarding in Education Service: Laura Tulk (Part time) and Jack Corrigan (full time), 01305 221122,