Meet Our Governors

Mr Leif Overment

Head Teacher

Term of Office 01/09/21 - ongoing

Mr Andrew Boggis


Term of Office 07/03/24 - 11/03/2028

Mrs Alison Smith

Parent Governor

Term of Office 26/06/23 - 25/06/27

Mr Fel Moore

LA Governor

LA Governor Appointment
Term of Office 04/07/23 - 03/07/27
Safeguarding Governor

Mrs Sammy Sharp

Parent Governor

Term of Office 01/09/22 - 31/08/26

Mr Phil Smith

Foundation Governor

Diocese of Salisbury Appointment
Term of Office 12/03/24 - 11/03/28

Foundation Governor


Mrs Helen Aburrow

Elected Staff Governor

Term of Office 02/09/24 - 01/09/28

Mrs Joanna Goodfellow

Foundation Governor

Diocese of Salisbury Appointment
Term of Office 21/06/22 - 20/06/26
Chair of Finance and Staffing Committee

Mrs Maria Goral

Foundation Governor

Diocese of Salisbury Appointment
Term of Office 08/10/24 - 07/10/28

Mr Rob Pepper

Foundation Governor - Netherbury

Diocese of Salisbury Appointment
Vice Chair
Term of Office 20/01/21 - 19/01/25
Vice Chair of Finance & Staffing Committee

Foundation Governor


Clerk to Governors -