
West Dorset District Council site contains a variety of information relevant to education, including lists of schools and schools closures due to bad weather.
Here are some more specific links within the Dorset for you site which may be helpful to you.
Dorset Parent Partnership offers information and support to parents and carers of children with special educational needs.
Special Educational Needs guide for parents and carers.

What is the Brokerage service?
Parents, carers, young people and practitioners often have difficulty finding the information they need, when they need it. Dorset County Council 0-19 Brokerage service is an impartial and confidential extended support service, provided by the Outreach team. The service is tailored to meet the needs of individual families experiencing difficulty in finding or accessing the services they need. For example: Parents and carers of children and young people who are disabled, have additional needs or English as a second language. Parents and carers who are themselves disabled, or are unable to access the services required. Parents and carers starting or returning to work/ education or Families that are new to the area.