At Salway Ash School we make every effort to listen to and respond to suggestions from parents and pupils. Here are some examples:
* At a meeting regarding communication parents requested a noticeboard in the foyer for reminders and information about day to day school life.
We provided this board and update it weekly.
* Parents expressed to governors a concern over children arriving on the bus getting to school before class teachers were in the classrooms and therefore children being unattended.
We have ensured a member of staff is in each room but also provided a contingiency plan should an unexpected situation arise. Children now know to go to Yr 1/2 classroom with Mrs Aburrow should their classroom be empty.
* A parent requested provision of wrap-around care to cater for parent working hours e.g after school play clubs.
After a parent survey and considerable research around the subject it was discovered that unfortunately at this time the demand was insufficient to make this service financially viable in our small school. It was agreed the survey would be repeated at regular intervals to ascertain any change in requirements.
This academic year we have had the option to take up more sports clubs which we have embraced. We hope this has helped parents who work later.
* Parents expressed concern over the parking arrangements outside school which caused a dangerous level of overcrowding particularly on event days.
We now stagger our end of school day so Key Stage 2 come out 10 minutes later than Key Stage 1 allowing for a rotation of parked cars collecting and a release of safe parking spaces.
We now ensure the school gates are opened for most events to allow a proportion of cars to park on the front playground.
School representatives have vehemently pursued the construction of a new footpath to the village to allow some families to walk to school rather than drive such a short, but currently dangerous, distance. A footpath is now in place and many families enjoy cycling, scooting or walking to school. Many who travel from a little further out are choosing to safely park at the village hall and use the footpath which has certainly eased the parking a little.
The governors requested a Police officer monitor the end of day arrangements and suggest improvements to the system and the road markings which have been acted upon.
* It was suggested that less paper be used in sending letters home.
We have recently developed a new online parent portal which allows for the majority of letters to be sent securely online with notifications to mobile app and email inbox. Some parents have still requested paper copies however the amount of paper used is vastly reduced.
We use a text messaging service and emails.
Some letters which require a printed reply slip are still sent on paper however, we send the majority of paper letters per family rather than per child.
* Key Stage 2 children felt they could benefit from new play equipment such as a climbing frame as Key Stage 1 have and more shade on the field so that the outdoors can be used more efficiently in the summer.
Fundraising is now ongoing specifically for new climbing equipment and funding streams are being investigated in order to provide shade sails..
* In conversation with governors, children pointed out there were some areas of the school field which were out of sight of staff which they felt might lead to bullying in those areas.
These corners were fenced off to increase children's feeling of safety and security.