
We are pleased to report that attendance at Salway Ash is consistently high with improvements year on year. We operate a certificate incentive scheme which the children really enjoy and which has generated positive results. A high attendance rate suggests that children are happy in school and enjoy being here.
The Beaminster pyramid as a whole have adopted a plan to send letters each term to any family where attendance gives rise to a level of concern.
Our new eschools app gives detailed information to ach parent about their child's attendance and also gives staff easy access to attendance data so it can be carefully monitored.
Our school day starts at 8.55am.
Pupils who are not present for registration but arrive before 9.25 am will be marked as present but late. Any pupil arriving after this time will be marked as an unauthorised absence.
If your child has a medical appointment which will force them to be late please ensure you inform the school in good time.
Guidelines state that children are required to attend school regularly in accordance with the requirements of the school. The equates to 100% attendance.
From September 2013 Headteachers do not have the authority to grant leave of absence for holidays.
If parents disregard these regulations they will be breaking the law and could face a fine. The school is legally obliged to record unauthorised absences.
The Governing Body will assess requests for leave of absence for exceptional circumstances.
If your child is unwell
Please ring the school on the first day of absence or send a written message.
The School telephone number to report absence is 01308 488302 (this will reach Miss Harding or Mrs Stanton in the school office who will inform class teachers)